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Structural-function Discovery Laboratory

2022. 10. 30-11.02 2022 AsCA and FKSBS in Jeju

작성자Structure-Function Discovery Lab.  조회수624 등록일2022-11-02
제주에서 열린 아시아결정학회와 한국생체분자과학연합학회에 다녀왔습니다.
조규혁, 이장민 학생이 두 학회에서 우수 포스터 상을 받았습니다.

We attended the Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA) conference and Conference of the Federation of Korean Societies for Biomolecular Sciences (FKSBS) held in Jeju.
Cho Gyuhyeok and Lee Jangmin received poster awards at the two conferences.
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